Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Tragic Death of a Hero

This could very possibly be the last roll of film I ever shoot with my trusty Pentax ZX-30 35mm. I got the camera for Christmas in 9th grade, and it couldn't have costed more than $300. Until about three weeks ago, every photo I shot was taken with this little guy. In his last days, I accidently dropped him on some rocks at Krause Springs. With a few minor repairs, he made a great comeback. Then, at the Meyer Ranch, where these last photos were taken, I again failed him by leaving him sitting on a table in a torrential downpour.
As he was soaked to the core (no D200 weather-sealing with this soldier), he hung his head, snapped one last photo and recoiled all remaining film into it's canister as if to say, "I gave you so much, and even though you treated me like crap in my final hour, I'm going to take this one last photo for you, sacrificing myself to make a beautiful picture." To my knowledge this is the only photo ever taken autonomously by a camera. What a poetic end to a beautiful life.

Pentax ZX-30
December 25, 2000 - July 29, 2007
may your cheap plastic body rest in peace.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Team Ro-Sham-Bo gears up and takes flight. That third photo down has to be one of my favorite photos I've ever taken. I'm amazed it's not blurry considering how hard I was laughing.


One of the most fun/utterly ridiculous things I've shot in Austin.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Internationals and a Big Animal

International Student Friendship Ministry Welcome2Texas event. Friday August 17.

Friday, August 17, 2007

August 16

Christopher Stephens


August 14

Eliot's much-protested haircut.

This guy is single-handedly keeping Austin weird.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Yesterday, Matt Carter, pastor at the Austin Stone Community Church, preached on John 21 where the risen Christ meets Peter and his friends on the beach at sunrise and fixes them breakfast. He talked a lot about morning and how we often see God in the morning. I remembered how I had been fishing a few times earlier this summer and decided to go back out this morning. This is what I encountered.


This is Andy James Turner. He is a friend of mine. Tonight he was Mr. Tambourine Man.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Tres Hermanas

I realized I had two photos of three sisters that I like. Here they are.


This is Randall "Tennessee" Hayes, a blind homeless man I met last spring. A couple of weeks ago, he was killed under the same bridge where I met him.


Boots on the Drag: Part II


I caught this guy in Town Lake at Lou Neff Point right where the clear cold water of Barton Creek meets the muddy waters of Town Lake. He was in the muddy water. The bass seem to like it better there.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Road Trip

I apologize for these being out of order.

These are a few of my favorites from a road trip I took at the beginning of the summer with five of my best friends (brothers) whom I have known since first grade. We drove up to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs and then down to South Fork where we stayed at Clayton's grandmother's house which literally hung over the Rio Grande River.